On June 29, Thuza and Kusasa made an important few steps, another success and another turning point for both our rhino and scouts.
For a few days, the gate between the habituation boma and wider sanctuary was left open, inviting the two bulls to take a step outside and venture into the wider sanctuary area. But they were not interested. They continued to show up for their morning feed but seemed reluctant to pass the gate and explore the rest of their new home.
Finally, on June 29, Thuza led the way out of our smaller habituation boma, following the scent of lucerne and hay, mollases and grass. the Cobra scouts strategically placed the food just beyond the gate, tempting the rhino out. Once Thuza realised the coast was clear, he continued eating outside of the habituation boma and Kusasa soon followed. And then, they were gone.
Marching through the wider sanctuary, the rhinos started exploring their new area, with the Cobra scouts in close range but at a safe distance, trying to keep up. They found the Camelthorn trees surrounding Imvelo's Camelthorn Lodge and seemed to enjoy the shelter from the wind. Now, the Cobras Community Wildlife Protection Unit's job really begins.
It's been emotional so far, and the rhinos' journey continues as they now explore their new home, beyond their original boma:
Video footage by Tomas Trayner and Duncan Watson. Editing by Tomas Trayner
Contact us for more information on the CRCI project.